Sunday, March 18, 2012

Asian Style Mushroom Soup

This soup is similar to the simple soup served at Hibachi restaurants.

The trick is adding depth and flavors to the broth.

All the vegetables except the mushrooms and green onions are just in for flavor and get strained out, so just rough chop them in large pieces.

Asian Style Mushroom Soup

2 containers of chicken stock  (I like these products for this!
1 container of beef stock
2 carrots
2 onions
2 stalks of celery
5 cloves of garlic, smashed
1 knob of garlic, chopped
1/4 cup soy sauce
8oz of mushrooms, sliced thin
4 green onions, sliced

Add all but the last 2 ingredients to the pot. Cook on low for at least 45 minutes, up to several hours

Strain out the veggies.

Salt and pepper to taste.

Add mushrooms and green onions. Cook until tender. Around 30 minutes

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