Thursday, January 3, 2013

Tortellini Tomato Soup

Hey guys. I'm back! After a long long 10 weeks, I think I am emerging from the morning sickness fog. The last few days have been SO much better. Today was rough again, but I am hopeful that I am near the end of the worst days :)

Funny thing is, this soup was a MAJOR aversion for me on my last pregnancy and about a year afterwards. No idea why because its AMAZING. But it was. Husb couldn't even mention it. But he cautiously suggested it a couple weeks back and it actually sounded good.

The recipe came off a group I am in. I tweaked it a bit. Of course. I can't help it. Nice crusty bread goes well with it. It actually got chilly enough in Florida here to make some yummy soup.

Tortellini Tomato Soup

1 20oz package of tortellini. We like 4 cheese, but whatever you prefer really
6 cups chicken stock
2 cups water
1 container of chive and onion cream cheese
3 boxes of Pacific Naturals Roasted Red Bell Pepper Bisque or 4 cans tomato bisque soup
1 container chopped spinach, thawed and drained. Or 1 bag fresh baby spinach
1 can of diced tomatoes (optional)

Boil the tortellini in the stock and water according to package. DO NOT drain.

When done, take out a cup or so of the broth. Add it to a small bowl along with the cream cheese. Let the broth soften the cream cheese. Whisk together. Add back to pasta.

Add soup and spinach. Heat completely through.

Serve and smile :)

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